染色デザイン第4号 グアテマラの染色と工芸、学研、1983
染色の美28 特集 グアテマラの染織、京都書院、1984
NHK世界手芸紀行3 モラ・グアテマラの織物編、日本放送出版協会、1990
刺繍 ステッチにみる伝統の技、天理参考館展 第22回企画展、1993
グアテマラの織物、天理参考館展 第30回企画展、1995
色と織に魅せられた人々 現代マヤ、国立民族学博物館、1995
五色の燦き グアテマラ・マヤ民族衣装展、東京家政大学出版部、1998
民芸551 織物大国グアテマラ 柳宗玄、1998
星野利枝の原始機・いつでもどこでもWeaving, Spinnuts, No.79, 2012
Chichicastenango, Ruth Gruhn, University of Alberta,1969
Maya of Guatemala Life and Dress, Carmen L. Pettersen, Museo Ixchel, 1976
Designs in Guatemalan textiles, Carmen Neutze de Rugg, Tourist Publications, 1977
A Century of Change in Guatemalan Textiles, University of Washington Press, 1981
Los Ambulantes, The Itinerant Photographers of Guatemala, Ann Parker, Avon Neal, The MIT press, 1982
Maya culture & costume, A catalogue of the Taylor Museum’s E.B. Ricketson, Collection of Guatemalan textiles, The Taylor Museum of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1984
Costume as Communication, Ethnographic costumes and Textiles from Middle America and the central Andes of South America, Margot Blum Schevill, Mark-Burton, Inc, 1986
Living Maya, Walter F.Morris, Jr. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publication, 1987
Ancestry and Artistry, Maya Textiles from Guatemala, Roxane Shaughnessy, Textile Museum of Canada, 2013
Guatemala Rainbow, Gianni Vecchiato, Pomegranate Artbooks, 1989
Evolution in textile design from the highlands of Guatemala, Margot Blum Schevill, University of Washington Press, 1989
The Textiles of Guatemala, Regis Bertrand and Danielle Magne, Studio Editions. London, 1991
Threads of Life, Mayan Clothing from Guatemala, Kauffman Museum, Bethel College, 1993
Maya textiles of Guatemala, Margot Blum Schevill, University of Texas press, 1993
Ethnic Dress, Frances Kennett, Facts on File, 1994
Textile Traditions of Mesoamerica and the Andes, Margot Blum Schevill, Janet Catherine Berlo, and Edward B. Dwyer, University of Texas Press, 1996
The Maya Textile Tradition, Margot Blum Shcevill, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publication, 1997
World Textiles, John Gillow and Bryan Sentence, Bulfinch Press, 1999
Viva Colores!, Paola Gianturco and David HillPowerHouse Books, 2006
Children of Guatemala, A photographic portfolio by Marino Cattelan, Xibalba Publicaciones, 2006
Guide to the Ixchel museum of Indigenous Dress, Museo Ixchel, 2006
Image of Indigenous Guatemala, Ann Girard de Marroquin, Museo Ixchel 2012
Ethnographic view of Maya dress in Guatemala, Ann Girard de Marroquin, Servi prensa 2013
Traditional Weavers of Guatemala, Their Stories, Their Lives, Deborah Chandler and Teresa Cordon, THRUMS, 2015
Cofradias, Customs and Costumes among the Guatemalan Maya, Krystyna Deuss, 2018
Textile Traveler’s Guide to Guatemala, Deborah Chandler, THRUMS, 2019
Mayan Traje, a tradition in transition, textiles from the collection of the Friends of the Ixchel Museum, Museo Ixchel
COFRADIA, warp and weft, Museo Ixchel
COFRADIA, Texture and color, Museo Ixchel
Coastal color Textiles from Guatemala’s Pacific Foothills, Dallas Museum of Art
Sensational Guatemala, Diego Molina F, Editorial Everest S. A.
Hilos de identidad, Tradition Textil Maya-Guatemalteca, Museo Ixchel
Rostros de la Guatemala indigena, Anne Girard de Marroquin, Museo Ixchel
Sown Symbols, Barbara Knoke deArathoon, Museo Ixchel
Huipiles Mayas de Guatemala, Maya Huipiles of Guatemala, Museo Ixchel
私の名はリゴルタ・メンチュウー マヤ・キチェ族インディオ女性の記録、エリザベス・ブルゴス、新潮社、1987
祝祭の民族誌 マヤ村落見聞録、桜井三枝子、全国日本学士会、1998
マヤ グアテマラ&ベリーズ、雷鳥社、2001
グアテマラを知るための65章 エリア・スタディーズ、桜井三枝子、2006
旅行人 No158, グアテマラ、チキンバスに乗って旅しよう、旅行人、2008
古代マヤ・アステカ、不可思議大全、 柴崎みゆき、草思社、2010
マヤ・アステカ 遺跡へっぴり紀行、柴崎みゆき、草思社、2010
Actos de Fe in Guatemala, Miguel Angel Asturias, La Azotea, 1980
Discovery Guatemala, 1991/92
Terre Maya, Michel Butor, Casterman, 1993
Maya Color, The painted villages of Mesoamerica, Jeffrey Becom, Abbeville Press, 1997
Return of the MAYA, Thomas Hoepker, Henry Holt, 1998
Antigua Guatemala, The city and its heritage, Elizabeth Bell, Textos y Formas Impresas, 1999
Lent and Holy Week in La Antigua Guatemala, Elizabeth Bell,TeTextos y Formas Impresas, 2009
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